
Covert Assistance - Lit

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Literature Text

Year 762 of the New Age
Glenmore, Glenwood - Near The Great Oak

Dusk heard the shouting and felt the tension in the air. She whipped her head around and saw the three fawns just before their sire, King Drustan move to block them from the agitated crowd. She saw the golden form of Lassie as she stood and stared like everyone else. 
As she registered the growing threat of the Drustan hating herd members, she took in how far away Lassie had wandered away from their current grazing area. She quickly took into account where the rest of her family was. Thorodin was a few strides behind her also looking on the spectacle. She didn't see Zeus but her first thought was Lassie and the danger she could be in. She gave a little sigh of relief when she saw her young filly wheel about and take off like a shot in the direction of their den.
She snorted and pinned her ears before turning her head to meet her son's gaze. "Thorodin! Make sure your sister gets to the den safely! When you get there, stay there no matter what until your father and I come for you."
The young buck quickly nodded before bolting after his small golden sister.
Dusk quickly strided forward trying to see where the rest of her aily was as the raging sea of fawnlings grew louder. She barely noticed something dark come up beside her and lean into her. 
At first she thought it was Zeus but then she looked up at the stag and had to do a double take. 
"Marcus? Where is Zeus? Have you seen him?"
The stag shook his head, his great rack swaying like massive branches of the Great Oak.
"Not since earlier today." The stag looked around and Dusk followed his purusal and after a moment, they saw Zeus quickly moving toward them, skirting the raging mob.
When Zeus joined them, Marcus sent them off and he bolted toward the growing crowd. They saw him and many other Royal Guards rushing to make a barrier between their King and the oncoming hoard. 
Zeus gently but urgently herded Dusk to the treeline of the clearing and they turned to the scene unfolding before them.
"Where are Thor and Lassie?" He asked quietly.
"Thor saw Lassie to the den. I told them to stay there until we came to get them."
Zeus gave a grunt before looking back toward the growing disaster. They saw Marcus and others weaving in and out between fawnlings and pushing the larger troublemakers back. 
Dusk more felt the rumble that radiated through Zeus's chest before the growl escaped him. 
He shook his head in frustration. "I can't let them do it alone."
Dusk brushed into her mate, beginning to glow and pulsate with power as she did. She pushed the power into Zeus and he raised his head high and inhaled sharply as he felt the pulse start to pulsate his body. He looked down at his princess and saw the same determination shining in her fierce eyes that he felt. He nodded to her then taking hold of her magic, he reached for his own and pushed it forward. The power surged before them under the earth and racing for a half dozen stags who were charging the Royal Family.
Sweat broke out on Zeus's flanks and Dusk leaned into him, her healing aura spreading through him, comforting him as the power began to work on draining him. He felt Dusk wrapped around him, felt her love lifting him up, empowering him, soothing his soul. 
No fawnlings paid them any heed, their attentions drawn elsewhere in the chaos. Zeus's attacks could be thought to be coming from the guards or other fighters before them. They're attentions were gripped by their fear of the unexplained and their rage for Drustan.
His concentration wavered a moment when the giant golem in the form of King Ragnar's late Captain. But once he saw that the creature was defending the fleeing family, he renewed his efforts and charged forward with their power, charging his ensnaring vines to trip and slow down any stag charging for the golem.
Zeus grunted and continued to push, aiding the first line of defense against the hoard with his vines. 
Dusk had felt her heart beating quickly with the adrenaline the whole time Zeus sent forth their magic to hinder the enemy. She began to calm herself and concentrate on her power and her love for her mate. She began to worry as even with her light magic comforting him as he cast, he was looking hagard. Sweat dripped from his coat and the tension of the massive current of power flowing through him made him shake almost with vibrations like the heartbeat of the very land. 
Once the Royal family was long out of sight and the adversaries out of reach, Dusk finally urged her mate to stop.
"You did your best Zeus. We can only pray that out great father wishes them well and safe. We can do no more now."
Zeus stood panting and shaking beside her. She barely took into account her own exhaustion from the power drain until her own trembling legs wavered and gave beneath her. She slowed her descent to land gracefully in the grass. 
Through slow agonizing movements, Zeus moved to lower his body beside hers and took comfort from the light that still dimly glowed from his mate. 
"I could say the same to you."
Dusk slowed her heavy breathing by taking deep breaths to calm her exhausted body. Eventually she slowly let go of the magic until they lay among the shadows from the canopy of branches and leaves above them. 
"You were wonderful my love," Dusk said between pants.
Zeus gave a contented sigh, his breathing seemingly back to normal. "We were wonderful, my Heart." He lowered his muzzle to hers and nuzzled her gently. 
They lay there a long time before they regained some strength and with little word between them, they rose and headed as one back to their den where their fawns awaited them. They slowly progressed through the wood until they came upon their family glade. Dusk quickened her pace despite her exhaustion and aching muscles. She quickly entered the den and found her babies alseep. She moved to curl around them, encompassing them both in the circle created by her body around them. Zeus stood in the passageway smiling tiredly as his mate settled down with their young, the young ones stirring slightly at her movements but quickly quieting again once her larger, warm body was against them.
Zeus slowly approached and lay down to curl around Dusk and the fawns as she was around them. They shared an equally happy and fearful glance before laying their heads near the other. Tomorrow they could begin to worry about the future in earnest. But for now, they joined their fawns in sleep. 

Response to: 
MASS RP - PART ONE: Coup of the Century by TigressDesign
Princess Saoirse Response:…

Year 762 of the New Age
Glenmore, Glenwood Near the Great Tree

Lord Zeus Trident…
Princess Dusk…
Lord Thorodin…
Princess Saoirse…
Guardsman Demarcus…

Mentioning: King Drustan

1,153 Words!

Covert Assistance
+1 Magic - art - Covert Assistance
+2 Magic - lit - 1000-1999 words - Covert Assistance

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